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Elkretsanalys: Past Exams and Homeworks

The following are some past exams, mini-exams and homeworks from Circuit Analysis courses in various years and for various KTH programs. Solutions are included in the pdf files.

If you suspect an error in any of the questions or solutions, please double-check a little, then contact us — try taylor@kth.se. It is very helpful for your successors (later students) that there are reliable solutions.

The different KTH programs studying Circuit Analysis have some mild differences in the subjects covered, and the level and style of question. Examples: different split of the exam between dc/transient/ac; different relative points in these parts; the Elektro program has the course split into two exams in periods 1 and 3; the IT program didn't include 3-phase ac.

Note: If your purpose is to get a feeling for the style of question to expect, then the person writing the exam is probably just as relevant than the program it was written for! Styles can be quite different, even if the core subjects studied are much the same. At least five teachers' questions can be found in this collection.

Filenames indicate the date, the KTH program, and the type of test.

Exams and KS
E (Elektro) EM (Energi och miljö) IT (Information and Communication)
ME (Microelectronics)

(pdf) 2023-06_E_omtenta2.pdf

(pdf) 2023-03_E_tenta2.pdf

(pdf) 2022-10_E_tenta1.pdf

(pdf) 2022-09_E_ks1.pdf

(pdf) 2022-06_E_omtenta2.pdf

(pdf) 2022-03_E_tenta2.pdf

(pdf) 2022-02_E_ks2.pdf

(pdf) 2021-10_E_tenta1.pdf

(pdf) 2021-09_E_ks1.pdf

(pdf) 2021-06_E_omtenta2.pdf

(pdf) 2021-03_E_tenta2.pdf

(pdf) 2021-03_E_ks3.pdf

(pdf) 2021-02_E_ks2.pdf

(pdf) 2020-12_E_omtenta1.pdf

(pdf) 2020-10_E_tenta1.pdf

(pdf) 2020-09_E_ks1.pdf

(pdf) 2020-03_E_tenta2.pdf

(pdf) 2020-02_E_ks3.pdf

(pdf) 2020-01_E_ks2.pdf

(pdf) 2019-12_E_omtenta1.pdf

(pdf) 2019-10_E_tenta1.pdf

(pdf) 2019-09_E_ks1.pdf

(pdf) 2019-06_E_omtenta2.pdf

(pdf) 2019-03_E_tenta2.pdf

(pdf) 2019-02_E_ks3.pdf

(pdf) 2019-01_E_ks2.pdf

(pdf) 2018-12_E_omtenta1.pdf

(pdf) 2018-10_E_tenta1.pdf

(pdf) 2018-09_E_ks1.pdf

(pdf) 2018-06_E_omtenta2.pdf

(pdf) 2018-03_E_tenta2.pdf

(pdf) 2018-02_E_ks2b.pdf

(pdf) 2018-01_E_ks2a.pdf

(pdf) 2017-12_E_omtenta1.pdf

(pdf) 2017-10_E_tenta1.pdf

(pdf) 2017-09_E_ks1.pdf

(pdf) 2017-06_E_omtenta2.pdf

(pdf) 2017-03_E_tenta2.pdf

(pdf) 2017-02_E_ks2.pdf

(pdf) 2016-12_E_omtenta1.pdf

(pdf) 2016-10_E_tenta1.pdf

(pdf) 2016-09_E_ks1.pdf

(pdf) 2016-06_E_omtenta2.pdf

(pdf) 2016-03_E_tenta2.pdf

(pdf) 2016-02_E_ks2.pdf

(pdf) 2016-01_E_omtenta1.pdf

(pdf) 2015-10_E_tenta1x.pdf

(pdf) 2015-10_E_tenta1.pdf

(pdf) 2015-09_E_ks1.pdf

(pdf) 2015-06_E_omtenta2.pdf

(pdf) 2015-03_E_tenta2.pdf

(pdf) 2015-02_E_ks2.pdf

(pdf) 2015-01_E_omtenta1.pdf

(pdf) 2014-10_E_tenta1.pdf

(pdf) 2014-09_E_ks1.pdf

(pdf) 2014-03_E_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2014-02_E_ks.pdf

(pdf) 2013-06_E_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2012-06_E-EM_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2012-10_E_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2012-03_E-EM_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2011-10_E_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2011-06_E_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2011-01_E_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2010-12_E_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2009-06_E_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2005_x_tenta.pdf

(2022: computer exams)

(pdf) 2021-06_EM_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2021-03_EM_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2021-02_EM_ks1.pdf

(pdf) 2020-06_EM_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2020-03_EM_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2020-02_EM_ks2.pdf

(pdf) 2020-01_EM_ks1.pdf

(pdf) 2019-06_EM_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2019-03_EM_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2019-02_EM_ks2.pdf

(pdf) 2019-02_EM_ks1.pdf

(pdf) 2018-05_EM_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2018-03_EM_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2018-02_EM_ks2.pdf

(pdf) 2018-02_EM_ks1.pdf

(pdf) 2017-06_EM_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2017-03_EM_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2017-02_EM_ks2.pdf

(pdf) 2017-02_EM_ks1.pdf

(pdf) 2016-06_EM_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2016-03_EM_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2016-02_EM_ks2.pdf

(pdf) 2016-02_EM_ks1.pdf

(pdf) 2015-06_EM_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2015-03_EM_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2015-02_EM_ks2.pdf

(pdf) 2015-02_EM_ks1.pdf

(pdf) 2014-05_EM_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2014-03_EM_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2014-02_EM_ks2.pdf

(pdf) 2014-02_EM_ks1.pdf

(pdf) 2013-06_EM_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2013-03_EM_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2013-01_EM_ks.pdf

(pdf) 2012-06_E-EM_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2012-10_E_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2012-01_EM_ks.pdf

(pdf) 2016-10_IT_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2016-06_IT_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2016-03_IT_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2015-10_IT_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2015-06_IT_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2015-05_IT_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2015-03_IT_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2014-10_IT_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2014-08_IT_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2014-03_IT_omtenta.pdf

(pdf) 2014-01_IT_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2012-10_IT_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2011-10_IT_tenta.pdf

(pdf) 2007-10_IT-ME_tenta.pdf

Homeworks from the days when there were just 4, 'peer-graded'

(pdf) 2014-02_E_hw1.pdf     (pdf) 2014-02_E_hw2.pdf     (pdf) 2014-02_E_hw3.pdf     (pdf) 2014-02_E_hw4.pdf

(pdf) 2013_EM_hw1.pdf     (pdf) 2013_EM_hw2.pdf     (pdf) 2013_EM_hw3.pdf     (pdf) 2013_EM_hw4.pdf

(pdf) 2012_hw1.pdf     (pdf) 2012_hw2.pdf     (pdf) 2012_hw3.pdf     (pdf) 2012_hw4.pdf

(pdf) 2011_hw1.pdf     (pdf) 2011_hw2.pdf     (pdf) 2011_hw3.pdf     (pdf) 2011_hw4.pdf

(pdf) 2010_hw1.pdf     (pdf) 2010_hw2.pdf     (pdf) 2010_hw3.pdf     (pdf) 2010_hw4.pdf

[an error occurred while processing this directive] Page started: 2014-08-25
Last change: 2023-06-15